Caorran is a sovereign realm.
Realms that are a part of Caorran: Inactive realms that are a part of Caorran:The King or Queen is the absolute ruler of Caorran. While their word is Law, it's common for the ruler to consult his council and Bannermen before making his decisions.
The Consort is the spouse of the reigning Caorrani monarch. Their role is ceremonial and supportive, without official political power, though they may participate in royal duties, represent the monarchy, and support charitable causes.
The Crown Prince or Princess is the heir apparent to the Caorrani Throne, and as the next in line as the ruler of the Kingdom, they hold a special and important position in the Monarchy, representing the future of Caorran.
They are expected to prepare to assume the role of King or Queen when the time comes. This involves receiving special education and training in areas such as politics, diplomacy, military strategy, and public speaking.
Additionally, as the closest advisor to the Monarchy, the heir may be consulted on important decisions related to the governance of the Kingdom.
The title of Cardinal of Caorran is one of great reverence and responsibility within the Ecclesia. It is a prestigious position that commands the highest levels of respect and admiration among the faithful of the realm.
The Cardinal is entrusted with the sacred duty of overseeing the religious affairs of their Kingdom, ensuring that the Faith is practiced in accordance with the doctrines and teachings of the The Solisian Church.
The position of Chancellor is one of great prestige and influence. The Chancellor assists the King in managing the royal lands and can act as the Regent in the absence of the ruler, with power to engage foreign realms in diplomacy.
The Chancellor also has the power to change laws should it be needed, and pass judgement on behalf of the Crown, making it one of the highest positions a Caorrani noble may aspire to be.
The Commander of the Royal Army stands above all in matters of warfare. He directly commands the Caorrani Royal Guard, entrusted to protect the Royal Palace and the King's family.
It's a position of great military power, being able to order every General and Bannerman of the Kingdom. As such, the entire Royal Army and the Bannermen's levies have to follow his commands.
It's expected of the Commander of the Royal Army to strategize and plan every major offensive or defensive action, and every victory or defeat of Caorrani armies rests on his shoulders.
Responsible for the administration of trade, taxation, and construction in the capital city of Caorran. Answers to the Chancellor and runs the day-to-day activities in the royal household.
It's a position of great trust, and vital for the maintainance of the capital. The Lord Chamberlain has to ensure that the Palace's pantry is always filled, and that the people of the city are well provided for.
The Lord Chamberlain also manages the city's treasury, a most important job to ensure the Royal Army is always well supplied and ready for combat.
A military officer of the highest echelon, subordinate to the Commander of the Royal Army. Coordinates with the Bannermen to lead a cohesive army during times of war, under the guidance of the Commander.
Following the hierarchy, the General can command several subrealm's levies under him, with Bannermen serving as his Lieutenants.
It's a position of extreme importance, for without the Generals, the Royal Army would not be able to keep its integrity on the battlefield. Taking charge on individual fronts, organizing the Bannermen, while the Commander can focus on multiple fronts at once.
Bannermen are expected to provide their military strength to the Royal Army. They command their own troops in battle, as well as their vassals', under the guidance of their assigned General, serving as Lieutenants of the main army of the Kingdom.
This title is usually reserved to those that hold subrealms directly under Caorran, for they have the power to raise levies from their lands.
They can control anything from a single unit of skirmishers, to several units of plate infantry, making every Bannerman indispensable for the defense of the Kingdom.
Since Bannermen usually hold titles beneath the Crown, they too can call upon their vassals, further streghtening the Royal Army, being responsible for small scale battles and sieges.
They are the backbone of the Caorrani armies, for without them, the Generals and the Commander would have no troops to command.
Asraniae | Peace | Peace | |
Dunmarch | Friend | Friend | |
The Ecclesia | Friend | Friend | |
Fairshore | Ally | Ally | |
The Vale of Hope | Ally | Ally | |
Imperium Asraniae | Peace | Peace | |
Ascalon | Ally | Ally | |
Beluna | Friend | Friend |
The Caorrani Kings:
"The transformation of the Caorrani people from a nomadic society to a settled one is a testament to their resilience, adaptability, and unwavering determination to create a better future." - Excerpt from Caorrani History, Legends and Mythology, by Court Historian Aldous
For centuries, the Caorrani people were divided and wandered the Northern lands as a nomadic tribal society, their way of life shaped by the woodlands and forests in which they lived. Despite their many differences, the Caorrani Clans shared a deep sense of community and a strong connection to the natural world. It is believed that the Caorrani share a common heritage with the Rathgari, that branched off sometime in the last millenia.
As the centuries passed, the Caorrani faced many challenges, including harsh weather, disease, and attacks from neighboring tribes, often fighting amongst themselves. But they remained resilient and resourceful, adapting to their environment and finding ways to thrive in even the most difficult conditions, slowly migrating South throughout generations.
Two hundred years ago the Caorrani people made a momentous decision that would ultimately pave the way for their transformation into a powerful society. Tired of the constant struggles and hardships of their nomadic existence, they made the bold choice to abandon their traditional way of life and settle in small villages and tribes throughout their homeland.
This decision was not made lightly, and many Caorrani were initially hesitant to give up their ancestral traditions and ways of living. But they recognized that the nomadic lifestyle was no longer sustainable, and that their future depended on finding a new way to thrive in a rapidly changing world. The Clans that refused to settle down were eventually absorbed or killed by their more settled neighbors, leaving behind only legends of their nomadic ways and the fierce independence that had defined their people for centuries.
They took advantage of a vast area that was seemingly abandoned, its previous owners dead or slumbered.
Slowly as the years went by, their ancient religious rites were forgotten. Their gods no longer worshipped. Faith gave way to progress.
Over the next two centuries, the Caorrani worked tirelessly to build stable and self-sufficient communities, mastering new skills like agriculture, masonry and metalworking, forging new alliances between their Clans. Despite the many challenges they faced along the way, they remained steadfast in their determination to create a better future for themselves and their descendents.
And in the end, their efforts paid off in ways they could never have imagined. With the stability and security provided by their settled way of life, the Caorrani were able to emerge as a powerful and influential people, laying the groundwork for their eventual unification and their adoption of the feudal system.
"Eoghan Bardach's leadership was crucial in unifying the Caorrani people and establishing a powerful Duchy within the Republic, ultimately paving the way for the rise of an independent Kingdom under his rule as King Eoghan I." - Excerpt from Caorrani History, Legends and Mythology, by Court Historian Aldous
The Caorrani were unified under the leadership of Eoghan Bardach, who saw the potential for greater strength and prosperity in a more centralized society. With his guidance and the support of Clans Cousland, Quelius, Rivacheg, and many more lesser ones, the Caorrani came together to form a powerful Duchy within the great Republic of the Grand Fate, a move that would ultimately change the course of their history.
The Caorrani had actually settled on lands that belonged to the Republic, but were indeed long since abandoned. The Republic saw in the Caorrani people the opportunity to once again make use of this fertile land.
During its brief time as a subrealm of the Republic, the Caorrani people quickly feudalized their society, abandoning their tribal ways and adopting their current hierarchical structure, with a ruling class of lords and vassals, and a system of land ownership and labor obligations. The Caorrani people also began to develop their own system of laws and customs, blending traditional practices with new influences from the Republic.
With access to the knowledge from the Republic's vast libraries, Caorrani technology quickly caught up to that of their suzerains. Their architecture became a mixture of old Caorrani wooden frames and the Republic's stone walls.
It was at this time that the Caorrani greatly expanded their influence to the West of the Farudi River, becoming one of the top producers of Wood in the Republic and with the creation of many different subrealms for each of the main clans.
Over the next years they also expanded South across the sea, colonizing an abandoned Republican island, and East, crossing the Farudi River, reaching Fairshore's borders.
Its capital, also named Caorran by Duke Eoghan, became the current seat of the Caorrani people. It is a city so ancient, that it has functioned as the capital for many long forgotten realms that served beneath the Republic.
As the capital, it was quickly rebuilt and became one of the most developed and modern towns in the realm. The city is a massive sprawl of limed stone houses in stark juxtaposition, with the majestic Royal Palace of Caorran overlooking the city, further fortified by an adjacent castle, which is seamlessly integrated into the Palace walls, creating a unified and impregnable stronghold.
Paved streets bustle with the activity of merchants and peddlers, and are patrolled by a force of trained guardsmen wearing the eagle-crest of House Bardach. On the South-Western edge of the wall you can find the Arena of Caorran.
After the dissolution of the Republic on 34-19-2, Duke Eoghan Bardach became King Eoghan I of the independent Kingdom of Caorran.
Knowing the importance of being part of a larger realm, the King chose to become a member-state of the Western Confederation, being appointed as an Arch-Chancellor for the Confederated Imperium of the Western States.
Under the rule of King Eoghan I, the realm grew in size, reaching 86 estates at its peak. During that time, the realm had over eight noble Houses serving the King as his Dukes, Marquesses and Counts.
"The slumberblight pandemic that plagued Caorran led to the rise of King Cailean I, who saw the need for a strong religion in the Kingdom and converted to the Aeternum Solis, leading to the expansion of the Faith's power and influence." - Excerpt from Caorran and the Eternal God, by Cardinal Rhiannon
All of a sudden, Caorran was hit with a pandemic of slumberblight. Many great Houses fell to the blight. Houses Rivacheg, Kastroya, Drachenfels, Quelius, Atreides, all fell prey to that vile disease over a few short months. Unfortunately, House Bardach was not spared.
Following the sudden slumbering of the King, Duke Cailean Cousland of Gallaran ascended to the throne. Serving as the Kingdom's Chancellor in the years before, having marital ties to the royal family as the spouse of Princess Margaret Bardach and being the father of King Eoghan's grandson, Duke Cailean was well received as a legitimate ruler and was named King Cailean I, before earning his nickname.
The new King believed the slumberblight pandemic that had afflicted most of the Caorrani Houses was a divine punishment for the lack of Faith in the Kingdom. Although the Caorrani people adhered to certain spiritual beliefs of the Caorrani Customs, their way of life was not dictated by an organized religion. As a result, the ancient Caorrani rites have been lost for decades, and their customs now reflected more of their cultural values than religious ones.
He was determined to save his people, and for that Caorran would need to have a strong religion. On 37-26-3, King Cailean the Undying converted to the The Solisian Church, alongside Duke Avalon Hope, and together they oversaw the mass conversion of the Caorrani people, assuming that the protection of the Eternal God would prevent such a catastrophe from happening again.
The Cathedral of the Sun was built in Àirde to serve as the seat of the Caorrani Cardinal before the Ecclesia and as the main religious temple of the Kingdom.
King Cailean the Undying enacted the "Official Recognition of the Aeternum Solis Act" on 37-37-3, which recognizes the The Solisian Church as the official religion of the Kingdom.
"With unwavering dedication, I embrace the responsibility to guide our people toward a future where the spirit of Caorran thrives independently and unbound. The echoes of my grandfather and father's vision resonate within me, a vision that ignited the flame of unity and sovereignty. Today, we embark on a journey towards a bright future, a future that is truly our own." - King Aodhàn I at his speech after signing the Declaration of Independence
Following King Cailean's mass conversion, Empress Sharona Arbuckle, aligned with the objective of achieving cultural cohesion across the western sphere to ensure the Confederation's stability, decided to declare the The Solisian Church as the official religion of the Confederation.
This decision set the stage for the events chronicled by Court Historian Aldous on Chapter 4: Caorran and the Triumvirate and the Triumvir Wars. In summary, it resulted in the reformation of the West into a Triumvirate, with King Cailean the Undying standing as one of the Triumvirs, alongside Sharona and Asran The Light-Bearer.
The subsequent Triumvir Wars saw Triumvir Sharona being removed from power, and King Cailean earning the epithet 'The Undying.' However, on 39-30-4, Cailean met his demise in battle at the hands of the Talornidr on the outskirts of Orikos, led by the warrior Bahana d'Jelailos - Kingsdoom. Outnumbered and facing relentless enemy reinforcements, the Undying King met his fate.
His son, King Aodhàn I, also known as King Aodhàn the Unbound, ascended to the Caorrani throne after Cailean's death.
In the aftermath of Sharona's removal and Cailean's death, Triumvir Asran declared himself an Apotheon, a title with significant cultural connotations in Asrian culture, loosely translating to "one who is exalted or elevated to a state of godhood." This title implied supreme authority, suggesting that Asran had ascended to a divine-like status, even over the Solar Ecclesiarch of the The Solisian Church. Instead of initiating an election within the Western Senate to fill the vacant Triumvir positions, Asran unilaterally declared himself the sole ruler of the West, assuming the title of Autokrator, an unchallenged ruler.
This proclamation sparked intense debates in the Western Senate, with the Caorrani nobility vehemently opposing Asran's ascension as the sole Emperor of the West.
Ultimately, on 40-1-4, King Aodhàn signed Caorran's Declaration of Independence alongside the Caorrani nobility, declaring the Kingdom's sovereignty. Aodhàn delivered a stirring speech at the Royal Palace of Caorran, earning him the moniker 'The Unbound.' A few weeks later, Autokrator Asran was crowned as the Emperor of the Imperium Asraniae.
After almost two years of uncertainty, on 41-44-1, Asran The Light-Bearer issued an Imperial Proclamation recognizing Caorran as an independent and sovereign realm, thereby renouncing all claims on Caorrani lands.