Might & Fealty

Recent Journal Entries

Recent writings from player characters about in-game events, observations, or thoughts.

Of Dukes And Emperors

Written by Victor Talonclaw on 42-25-1 (July 25, 2024 21:12)

Victor was on his seat in the grand hall of Castle Talonclaw, fire crackling as it slowly devoured a sizeable log resting in the fireplace, a glass of blue Lachance in his hand, slowly twirling the prized wine before taking a sip

"You look pensive, my liege" a voice uttered quietly, pulling the Duke back from the depths of his mind, grey eyes inquiring around to find the source of that

*It was Sjuttje, one of the oldest member of the Talonguard, his tabard and hauberk new and shiny, but his nat...


The Great Enemy

Written by Asran The Light-Bearer on 42-24-2 (July 24, 2024 14:52)

I hunched over my desk, squinting at the reports from the frontlines—a quagmire, a mire of blood and treachery.

"The Great Enemy," as I commanded my heralds to name them, had arrived upon our shores, their ships a blot on the horizon, months after the calamity of Hunter’s Hold. They reaved and pillaged the hinterlands of the empire, driving a flood of refugees westward. The price of bread had already doubled since the invasion, and the tales from Asrian settlers fleeing the coastal towns were full...


Royal Announcement By Commander Bryce Of Caorran

Written by Bryce Bardach-Quelius on 42-22-6 (July 22, 2024 17:14)

It is with a heavy heart that I pen these words. My grandfather, King Aodhàn the Unbound, and my mother, Countess Aileen Bardach-Quelius, met tragic ends following their defeat in battle and subsequent imprisonment by Hussarian forces. Their executions mark a somber chapter in the history of Caorran, one that will be remembered with sorrow and reflection. Yet, in the midst of our grief, we must also look to the future. My uncle, Crown Prince Eoghan, now ascends to the throne as King Eoghan II.

In a solemn ceremony...


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