Clanlands d'Serrai is a part of Insula and both are parts of Eldamar.
Realms that are a part of Clanlands d'Serrai: Inactive realms that are a part of Clanlands d'Serrai:At the death of a clanleader, challengers of good rank may decide by the blade who shall lead the clan.
When Asraniae attacked Ardaling Tribes, those Clanlanders who marched north to give aid, fought and threw back the empire until they stood before the walls of the enemy's capital Asraniae may be named 'Shield of the Ardaling'
When Asraniae attacked Talornidr, those Clanlanders who marched west to give aid, fought and defeated the warriors sent by Asraniae and Caorran may be named 'Shield of the Talornidr'
Ironhill | Peace | Peace | |
Insula | Friend | - | |
Ascalon | Peace | - | |
The Lowlands | Friend | Friend | |
Tor Kleykiriya | Friend | Friend | |
Rathgar | - | Friend |
The Clanlands - a gathering of free warriors.
Customs of the Clanlands:
Guestright is an ancient, hallowed custom of the clan: Any visitor may be offered guestright of a lord of an estate. Those joining the clan by entrance through the Spearfield or other such points are (not yet) full members of the clan, but always enjoy guestright in all the clanlands.
Guests must be defended the same as members of your family, they enjoy entrance into all holdings their guestright applies to.
Guests are free to travel where they please - the one thing they may not do is to attack First Ones or take estates.
A guest may ask any clanlord for an oath of fealty - and become a clanmember by swearing such an oath.
A lord does owe his vassals protection if they are attacked from outside his domain - and the lord has to speak up in defense of his vassals where needed.
Other than calling for aid in arms, a lord may not command his vassals - they are free to choose their own path.
A warrior may receive lands to be held in fief - he then does owe his lord service in arms and warriors should his lord call. He also needs his lords acceptance before attacking lands outside his lords domain. Other than that he is free to act as he does please - to govern and to take vassals of his own.
Taking part in raids is voluntary, joining a lords call to arms is a duty. Once a warrior does join a warband for the duration of a campaign, he is honorbound to follow the commands of the warleader.
Clanmembers may call for a vote on any item - be it war and peace, the decision on a feud or any office within the clan. Only posession of land cannot be resolved by voting, expulsion of a clanmember from the clan needs a vote.
For a clan-wide vote, you need at least 1 in 10 clanmembers to call for it. The clanlader may call for any vote on his own.
Any vote is decided by simple majority, each clanwarrior having one vote.