Due to Nadia the Vlakyrie, currently holding the crown of Eldamar having neglected the realm, having lost all support within the realm, due to her refusing to face a vote - the Duchy of Insule is in defiance to her.
We will make war on her and her sole supporter, Otto the Great until Nadia the Valkyrie agrees to lay down her crown, enabling a vote to be held - in which she herself may run.
score: 200Garense | Albert of Heopyle | Montejo | never attacked |
Romney | Hugues of Heopyle | Eldoria | never attacked |
Silden | Takkan d'Raibesselt | Clanhold d'Raibesselt | occupied |
Blackwater | Bahana d'Kailmamont | Clanlands d'Serrai | occupied |
Cotalar | Bahana d'Kailmamont | Clanlands d'Serrai | occupied |
Limoroux | Takkan d'Sorenger | Clanlands d'Serrai | occupied |