The Independence of Greater Ryne

King Unraveling Morning Sun,

On this day Greater Ryne declares it will no long be ruled by ultimatums and threats of masked men. Our lands are not yours to take from us as has been the case while under the banner of House of Order. Nor will we fight against our allies in Gwent as your threats would have us do. To that end, Greater Ryne declares that all the lands not currently under our banner, which reside soundly between the northern portions of our realm, are now part of Ryne and shall be turned over forthwith.

Signed, King Kazuo Ishida Kye

(OOC trying out this game mechanics)

score: 0
Primary Attacker:
Greater Ryne
Concir Varchilde Primis Esotericus Lumen never attacked
Dawnglory Decima Spei Perditas Erstes Imperium never attacked
Etrusca Varchilde Primis Esotericus Lumen never attacked
Skyreave Orion Toles Ironhill never attacked
Lumen Varchilde Primis Esotericus Lumen contested
Nundinae Varchilde Primis Esotericus Lumen contested
Gurney Halleck Varchilde Primis Esotericus Jatara contested
Geckos Varchilde Primis Esotericus Jatara contested

Attack on Geckos started.
Attack on Nundinae started.
Attack on Gurney Halleck started.
Attack on Gurney Halleck started.
The war has been declared.