Realm History

Vanished into history with no members remaining.
Kaedin Durga has fallen to slumberblight and thus left the office of Huntsman.
Druga Gorlash has abdicated without a successor.
Founded by Herannuen Makkariui as a subrealm of Fyrisvellir with rulership granted to Druga Gorlash.

Tor Gor'Agar

Tor Gor'Agar
  • -
Official Faith

Tor Gor'Agar is a part of Fyrisvellir and both are parts of The Lowlands.

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Realm Details

0 hectares
First Ones

Realm Positions

Baron / Baroness

This is the rulership position for the realm.

This is the ruler position for the realm.
  • Nobody


Appointed to act as the second in command of Tor Gor'Agar, the Title of Huntsman is bestowed upon those seen fit to handle the economic and militaristic needs of the Tor.

Selected from the leaders within the various settlements of Tor Gor'Agar, the chosen officials must embody the spirit of these harsh northern woods. They most be able to provide for hearth and home, as well as demonstrate a stout woodsmens heart in all matter foreign and domestic. Act with Honor, Act decisively, and act as needed by the people.

  • Nobody

Diplomatic Relations To Other Realms

Realm Description

Founded by Durga Gorlash in the Deep Wood of south Fyrisvellir during following the seventh thing and the undoing of the many holds of Valinor.

A member of a long forgotten clan, Druga answered the summons of the lady Ama of Fyrisvellir, and was bequeathed land by her Liege Kael Herannuen Makkariui, to form his own clan in the lands he long resided in.

The lands of Tor Gor'Agar are a beautiful, if sparse land. Acres of forest stretch ever on from Mibegan to Serilar, rolling hills of Fir, Pine, and oak towering high above those who travel their simple earthen roads. The winters are cold and hard, but the dense wood provides ample timber for the hearth, and game runs a plenty under the dark canopy's of Tor'Agar. In the eastern villages fishing supplements the deer and elk of the forest, and the lands to the south always hold grain for when an axe must fell more then tree to provide.

The people of Tor Gor'agar are a simple folk. Though some of thier villages propser and grow, centuries of being self sufficient have ingrained a deep seated beleif in self reliance.

A man and woman's worth in these lands is determined only by the strength of their axe and their word. When the nearest grain lands lay many days through dark and dangerous forest, tis honor alone that will carry you through the winter. Be it besides your brother on the stormy seas south, or as you collect on the debt your neighbor held out.