Imperial-Ardaling War of Reconquest

Declaration of War by the Imperium Asraniae against the Ardaling Tribes

To the Ardaling Tribes, to the Sovereigns of the Earth, to the Peoples of the World,

By the will of the Asrian Senate and the Imperator, the Imperium Asraniae hereby declares its righteous intent to once again take up arms against the savage forces of the Ardaling Tribes. This declaration is not driven by ambition or greed, but by a deep sense of justice. The lands that have long flourished under the banner of the Sun, territories stolen through treachery and violence following The Imperial-Ardaling War, must be reclaimed and restored to their rightful place within the heart of our Imperium.

Let it be known that the memory of Maximara burns brightly in the hearts of all who call Asraniae home. The names of our fallen heroes are not forgotten; their sacrifices and martyrdom in defense of our borders will echo through history. Today, we speak in their honor, and with a united voice, we vow: they shall be avenged.

The Ardaling Tribes, in their unprovoked aggression, have desecrated the frontiers of the empire. They brought ruin upon our people, sacked our cities, and showed no respect for the land, leaving it bled dry. In the name of justice, the Imperium shall reclaim what was lost. The flames of Maximara, which took the lives of our bravest sons and daughters, shall be answered by the swords and banners of Asraniae.

To the Ardaling Tribes, we offer no further chance for parley, no olive branch for peace. The time for words has long passed, drowned in the rivers of blood you have spilled. Now, the sword alone shall speak.

To the citizens of the Imperium Asraniae, stand tall and firm. The darkness that threatens us will be driven back by the light of our resolve. Together, under the banner of the Sun, we shall march to victory and restore the glory that is rightfully ours.

Let the world witness: the lands lost in the Imperial-Ardaling War shall be reclaimed, and the martyrs of Maximara shall know vengeance.

By order of the Imperator and the Senate of Asraniae,

In the 42nd Year After the Cataclysm

score: 300
Primary Attacker:
Imperium Asraniae
Other Attackers:
Iara Fiora Nienau Maximara occupied
Nova Palavia Alexander Rainstar Imperium Asraniae occupied
Ohahar Dionizy Diaczyszyn Imperium Asraniae occupied
Alosta Cedric Ironclaw Imperium Asraniae occupied
Brauda Rościgniew Sakowicz Imperium Asraniae occupied
Portus Aegis Fiora Nienau Maximara occupied
Nova Mardania Fiora Nienau Maximara occupied
Maisfelder Gordianus Clodianus Rhodosinus Imperium Asraniae occupied
Maximara Fiora Nienau Maximara occupied

The war has been declared.