Historia Del Dominio

Gaius Kassandreius Rufus has broken their oath of fealty to you to take another within the sovereignty in Imperium Asraniae.
Flavia Aeterna Magna ha abdicado y entregó el control del dominio a Aurelian Aeternus Avalon.
Zoranus Kassandreius Arx ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
The law on Place Inheritance has been updated.
Asran The Light-Bearer ha abdicado y entregó el control del dominio a Flavia Aeterna Magna.
Flavia Aeterna Magna ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Patrician.
Flavia Aeterna Magna ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
Cardinal Celestina ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Cardinal of Asrania.
Cardinal Celestina ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Patrician.
Viridius Clodianus Gwyneddicus ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
Viridius Clodianus Gwyneddicus ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Patrician.
Viridius Clodianus Gwyneddicus ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Plenipotentiary.
Gaius Kassandreius Rufus ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
Radiantia Aeterna Caestria ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Patrician.
The position of %position% has been inherited by Nýráðr after the slumbering of Gordianus Clodianus Rhodosinus.
Gordianus Clodianus Rhodosinus ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
The law on User Defined Law has been repelead.
Clanlands d'Serrai has declared war, announcing settlements of your realm as targets. They call it "For the defense of the Talornidr - the Sun against the North".
Aurelia Clodiana Volvania ha muerto y así salió de la oficina de Patrician.
Aurelia Clodiana Volvania ha muerto y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
The Ecclesia has declared war, announcing settlements of your realm as targets. They call it "The Triumvir Wars".
The law on User Defined Law has been repelead.
The law on User Defined Law has been repelead.
The law on law.info.Aeternum Solis State Religion Act.label has been updated.
The law on law.info.Aeternum Solis State Religion Act of the Kingdom of Asrania.label has been updated.
Helia I ha roto el juramento de lealtad a usted y se conviertió en un pícaro.
Cardinal Celestina has broken their oath of fealty to you to take another within the sovereignty in The Ecclesia.
The law on User Defined Law has been repelead.
Mors Argovius has broken their oath of fealty to you to take another within the sovereignty in The Ecclesia.
Solange Kassandreia Arxia ha muerto y así salió de la oficina de Legion Legate.
Solange Kassandreia Arxia has broken their oath of fealty to you and taken another inside Asraniae.
The law on law.info.Aeternum Solis State Religion Act of the Kingdom of Asrania.label has been updated.
The law on User Defined Law has been repelead.
Declared war "The Solangean Crusade".
The law on law.info.Divine Edict of Spiritual Dominion.label has been updated.
A new law on law.info.The Hevati Brothel Ownership Restriction Act.label has been put in place.
The law on Grant Claims Against Slumbering Settlements has been repelead.
The law on Realm Access to Slumbering Estates has been updated.
Phaethonius Aeternus Splendorus has broken their oath of fealty to you and taken another inside Asraniae.
A new law on Grant Claims Against Slumbering Settlements has been put in place.
The law on Settlement Inheritance has been updated.
Aurelia Clodiana Volvania has broken their oath of fealty to you to take another within the sovereignty in Natunnos.
Solarkar ha roto el juramento de lealtad a usted y se conviertió en un pícaro.
Radiantia Aeterna Caestria has broken their oath of fealty to you and taken another inside Asraniae.
A new law on Place Inheritance has been put in place.
A new law on Settlement Inheritance has been put in place.
A new law on Realm Access to Slumbering Estates has been put in place.
Fundada por Asran The Light-Bearer.

Regale Dominium Asraniae

idioma oficial

Asraniae es parte de Imperium Asraniae.

Dominios que son parte de Asraniae: Inactive realms that are a part of Asraniae:

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Detalles Del Dominio

58 square leagues

Posiciones Del Dominio

Legion Legate

The role entails commanding a legion, typically held by a patrician individual, and entails overseeing a spectrum of military and administrative affairs.

  • nadie

Type of Position: Military
Príncipe / Princesa

The sanctified title of King in the Kingdom of Asrania is a hallowed and venerated one. It is a position of utmost importance and supremacy, for the King is the divine instrument of the Almighty Lord of the heavens in this corporeal plane. The people of Asrania perceive the King as the chosen one, anointed by Aeternum Solis' celestial will, and his reign is a manifestation of that celestial decree.

For aeons, the House of DeadKing held the title of King and ruled with an iron will over Asrania. However, with the termination of that once-glorious house, the crown of kingship has passed to the House of Eternia. The new King of Asrania is hailed as a meritorious heir of the DeadKings and is anticipated to perpetuate their legacy of fortitude, sagacity, and loyalty to the Eternal God.

The King is the absolute potentate in Asrania, and his decree is the ordinance of the Icon of the Sun. He is expected to rule with impartiality and integrity, to safeguard the people of his dominion from perils, and to ensure that the Eternal God's magnificent blueprint is executed. His consorts, comprising the Court of the Light-Bringer and the eminent nobles of the city, offer advice and sustenance, but ultimately it is the King who renders the conclusive verdicts.

The title of King is not a trifle matter, for it carries the weight of centuries of custom and the obligation of ruling over a kingdom in its entirety. The people of Asrania seek the King's guidance and protection, and it is his divine obligation to ensure that they are judiciously served.

Imperial Legate

The title of Imperial Legate commands profound reverence within the Kingdom of Asrania, occupying a position of paramount importance within the hierarchy of the Asrian Legions. This eminent designation bears direct answerability to the sovereign King of Asrania, affording unparalleled dominion and self-governance during military campaigns. Exclusively bestowed upon members of the patrician class, the role encapsulates prestige.

The individual endowed with the responsibilities of the Imperial Legate traditionally assumes supreme command over all legions deployed within their designated province.

Type of Position: Military

The Plenipotentiary is an esteemed title reserved for only the most senior and trusted envoys of the Kingdom of Asrania. Their task is to represent the Crown in official diplomatic missions, negotiations, and treaties. As the Kingdom seeks to extend its influence beyond its borders, the role of the Plenipotentiary has become increasingly important.

Only those with exceptional intelligence, wit, and negotiating skills are chosen to hold this title. They must possess the ability to navigate the complex web of politics and diplomacy, and to strike deals that benefit the Kingdom while safeguarding its interests. Protocol is also of paramount importance to the Plenipotentiary, who must ensure that all diplomatic interactions are conducted with the utmost respect and decorum.

The position of Plenipotentiary is one of great honor and responsibility. Those who hold it are expected to put the interests of the Kingdom above their own and to carry out their duties with professionalism and integrity. They are the face of the Kingdom of Asrania to the outside world, and as such, they must always be at their best, representing the Crown with unwavering loyalty and dedication.

  • nadie

Type of Position: Foreign affairs
Cardinal of Asrania

The Cardinal of Asrania is a prominent religious figure in the Kingdom of Asrania, serving as the highest authority within the Ecclesia and bearing significant responsibilities in the realm of religious governance. Appointed to this esteemed position, the Cardinal plays a crucial role in upholding and safeguarding the spiritual heritage of the kingdom, as well as guiding its faithful adherents.

As the overseer of religious affairs, the Cardinal ensures that the tenets and teachings of the Aeternum Solis faith, the predominant religion in Asrania, are faithfully adhered to throughout the kingdom. They act as a spiritual leader and advisor to the ruling monarch, providing guidance on matters pertaining to faith and morality, and ensuring that religious values are upheld in the decision-making processes of the kingdom.

  • nadie

Type of Position: Advisory

Relaciones Diplomáticas A Otros Dominios

Caorran paz paz
Katanwald - paz

Realm Description

The History of the Asrians

As the legend unfolds, the tale recounts the humble origins of Asran, whose destiny intertwined with the celestial realm. His mother, Astraia, a modest shepherdess, found herself entranced by the dawn's radiant beams, a moment where the divine intervened. The Sun God bestowed upon her a son of striking beauty and boundless strength – Asran, chosen scion of the sun.

From infancy, Asran bore the mark of his celestial lineage. Raised amidst the serene pastoral landscapes, his fate awaited the dawning of his adulthood, a period heralded by trials mirroring the celestial cycles. Guided by the whispers of the winds and the celestial wisdom, he embarked on a heroic odyssey to unite the disparate tribes under the sun's auspices. Accompanied by steadfast comrades, he traversed scorching deserts and lush valleys, confronting formidable foes and surmounting daunting trials.

Among the majestic peaks of the Appala range, bathed in the golden hues of dawn, Asran forged an indomitable bond with the sun itself. In a moment of transcendence, he communed with the celestial orb, receiving the divine mantle of kingship and the sacred duty to lead his people to glory.

Under Asran's stewardship, the Asrian folk thrived, their reverence for the sun suffusing every facet of their existence – from their art and edifices to their laws and traditions. Temples ascended in homage to the sun, where priests and priestesses tendered prayers and offerings, ensuring the sun's benevolent gaze would continue to bless their realm.

Physical Traits and Religious Beliefs

Renowned for their tall, slender physiques and well-toned bodies, Asrians demonstrate remarkable adaptability to arid climates. Their dark skin, ranging from light to nearly black hues, often possesses a reddish undertone. Wavy to very curly, wiry hair typifies their appearance, and body hair density varies among individuals.

A deep religious devotion characterizes the Asrians, who revere The Solisian Church, a monotheistic Sun God embodying benevolent divine aspects. This amalgamation of attributes represents the gods' sacrifice during the war in heaven against Inanis and the malevolent Proditores. Asrian burial customs involve graveyards within and beyond urban environs, with catacombs favored by nobles for interment. Major cathedrals dedicated to Aeternum Solis often encompass underground catacombs.

Asrian Cuisine

Asrian culinary expertise mirrors their straightforward approach to life, drawing on a diverse array of ingredients facilitated by trade along the Golden Exchange. The resulting gastronomy features a rich selection of meats, vegetables, and spices from across the continent.

Prominent Culinary Offerings:

  • Solarian Cheese: A distinctive aromatic cheese hailing from Cadia.
  • Telerian Wine: A honey-infused white wine originating in Teleria.
  • Beef Noodle Soup: A Sunspire favorite, blending beef, tomatoes, and flour noodles.
  • Rock Pigeons: Grilled and deboned, served with Amroth chutney and pudding.
  • Attire and Adornments

    The Asrians showcase a diverse array of clothing styles, with modern preferences gravitating towards lightweight tunics and cloaks. The nobility, favoring Togas, utilize these garments not only as status symbols but also as markers of authentic Asrian identity. Asrian women, commonly don tunics, while higher-ranking or married women adorn garments known as the Stola. Notably, First One Asrian women occasionally defy these societal norms. Traditional fabrics such as silk and wool dominate Asrian attire, characterized by vibrant and vivid hues.

    Footwear, both practical and ornamental, features flat soles, with outdoor shoes often equipped with hobnails for enhanced grip and durability. For the affluent, intricate strapwork, delicate cuts, dyes, and even gold leaf converge to craft opulent footwear designs.

    Societal Strata

    The Asrian social structure comprises two classes, both officially considered full citizens, yet only the aristocracy enjoys unrestricted privileges. These classes are the patricians and the plebeians. Primarily constituted of First Ones, patricians, originating from the founding families of Asrania, have encountered shifts due to the decline of the Asrian Empire. This transformation has led to a new echelon emerging within the social hierarchy, broadening access to patrician status. This shift has even accommodated non-Asrian outsiders, previously excluded. Presently, patricians can originate from non-Asrian backgrounds, often descending from assimilated local nobility or cultures regarded as comparable, such as the Caorrani, Imperials, or Ascalonians. Instances where First One foreigners fall from grace typically result in their relegation to plebeian status.

    Conversely, plebeians, constituting the lower stratum, include laborers and farmers, tending to lands owned by patricians. While First Ones and Second Ones may fall into this category, the presence of First One plebeians typically signifies subjugation or punishment. Recent trends have witnessed a rise in land-owning plebeians, owing to shifts following the fall of the Asrian empire and relaxed social norms. Despite this, a significant portion of plebeians retain limited land ownership.

    The Asrian Legion

    The Asrian Legion, colloquially recognized as the Sun Legion, commands the principal military force of the Asrians. Often referred to in plural form as the Asrian Legions, this entity operates under the direct authority of the King. Boasting considerable numbers, extensive training, and rigorous discipline, the Legion garners acclaim as one of history's premier military assemblies. The Legion's core mandate centers on upholding peace and legal governance within the Kingdom and the Triumvirate. Notable segments responsible for safeguarding the King and the kingdom's Provinces bear titles like the Sun Guard and the Solar Watch. Typically, a Legion Centurion oversees the Palace Guard.

    During peacetime, the Legion assumes the role of a garrison, manning forts, patrolling roads, and providing municipal and noble guards. These responsibilities encompass apprehending criminals and confiscating their assets, among other duties. In times of conflict, the Legion's authority and duties expand significantly. The Legion becomes both an invading and occupying force, leveraging numerical supremacy and judicious resource allocation to overwhelm opposition.

    In their homeland, Asrian Legionnaires predominantly favor Lorica Squamata, a form of scale armor. However, a recent reform incorporates Klivanion and Lorica hamata—lamellar and chainmail armor, respectively. Their distinctive helmets, often adorned with plumes crafted from horsehair, denote both rank and intimidation. Eminent military figures occasionally forego the traditional plume crest in favor of a solar crown, symbolizing favor from Aeternum Solis. Notably, foreign Legionnaires in Asrian employ, such as the Rathgari or Caorrani, can secure full Asrian citizenship through a decade of military service. Such service brings rewards, including land, pensions, and extended citizenship for their families, often elevating them to plebeian status.