For the defense of the Talornidr - the Sun against the North

During their war against the Lowlands, the Western Triumvirate overran the clan of the Talornidr - though that clan was neither allied nor supporting the enemies of the Triumvirate.

The Clanlands d'Serrai thus challenge the Triumvirate to honorable combat: for the lands of the Talornidr to be regained....and to see if the northern gods will stand against the western sun.

score: 0
Primary Attacker:
Clanlands d'Serrai
Other Attackers:
Ariandos Ryst Vibak Talornidr contested
Orikos Ryst Vibak Talornidr contested
Bardulia Helios of Sunspire Bishopric of Antigonia never attacked
Gnatia Helios of Sunspire Bishopric of Antigonia never attacked
Karytaina Helios of Sunspire Bishopric of Antigonia never attacked
Inzion Ryst Vibak Talornidr contested
Burtudizon Ryst Vibak Talornidr contested

The war has been declared.