The Solangean Crusade

By the Grace of the Eternal God and the authority vested in me as the King of Asrania, I, King Asran Eternia, "The Light-Bringer," do hereby declare a Holy Crusade against the Duchy of Falconreach.

For too long, the people of Falconreach have turned a blind eye to the truth and lived in ignorance of the one true faith. As the leader of the Kingdom of Asrania and the defender of the Aeternum Solis Faith, it is my sacred duty to guide the wayward souls of Falconreach to the light.

Therefore, I offer the people of Falconreach the chance to become vassals of the Kingdom of Asrania, to pay a small tithe of wood to support our holy armies, and to convert to the Aeternum Solis Faith.

Should you refuse our generous offer, we shall take up arms and use our righteous might to expand the borders of Asrania and bring the misguided people of Falconreach under the banner of the true faith.

May the Icon of the Sun guide us in our righteous cause, and may the people of Falconreach see the error of their ways before it is too late.

score: 0
Primary Attacker:
Other Attackers:
Fernglen Godobald Dorner Weiden contested
Cadia Sambor Kossak Dragovia contested
Estacir Erudhir Dorner Erdézet contested
Chrechranant Nadia Kossak Dragovia contested
Dauntless Reach Nadia Kossak Dragovia contested
Moonstone Village Nadia Kossak Dragovia contested
Tredide Sambor Kossak Dragovia contested
Sunflower Valley Sambor Kossak Dragovia contested
Greenwood Sambor Kossak Dragovia contested

The war has been declared.