The Bright Custodians is a part of The Ecclesia.
Realms that are a part of The Bright Custodians: Inactive realms that are a part of The Bright Custodians:Generally just called a Custodian, these are the rank-and-file members of the Order who have survived the joining trials and tests.
Senior members that have the ability to pass judgement to Bright Custodians, acting as the second-in-command to the Commanders. They also serve as ambassadors, lieutenant-generals of the Order and teachers to the recruits.
The second-in-command to the entire Order and the next First Custodian. Deals with the day to day business of the Keep. Usually, the Steward is a former Commander that has abdicated his Chapter in order to assist the First Custodian while he prepares for taking the leadership of the entire Order when the time comes.
Leader of the entire order, headquartered at the Custodian's Keep. It's a position of great power and prestige, for the First Custodian answers only to the Solar Ecclesiarch of The Solisian Church. Serves as the ruler of the Order's lands.
All other Chapters of the Order answer directly to them.
"In Darkness, Light. In Falsehood, Truth. In Tyranny, Justice." - Bright Custodian Motto
The Holy Order of Bright Custodians is a subrealm within The Ecclesia Sovereign State. It holds a sacred responsibility as the Honor Guard for The Solisian Church, answering directly to the Solar Ecclesiarch. The rulership of the Order is granted to the First Custodian, a position of great honor and trust, headquartered at the ancient fortress of Custodian's Keep in Eatharigh.
One of the primary duties of The Bright Custodians is to ensure the safety and protection of all devout Solisians. They are entrusted with safeguarding pilgrims on their sacred journey to the Holy City of Sunspire. This responsibility showcases the Order's commitment to providing safe passage and upholding the values of light and truth in the face of darkness and lies.
In addition to their role as protectors and guardians, the Custodians also dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowledge and preservation of wisdom. The Order actively hunts for ancient relics and tomes to enrich their esteemed library. This library serves as a treasure trove of knowledge, where members can devote hours to study and research. The library stands as one of the Order's most valuable assets, contributing to the continuous growth and enlightenment of its members.
The structure of the Order is well-organized, with various Chapters directly answering to the First Custodian. These Chapters, ruled by their own Custodian-Commanders, in turn, serve the Order as loyal vassals, extending the reach and impact of The Bright Custodians throughout The Ecclesia and the world, such as the Chapter of the Avenging Sun.
The First-Custodians of the Order: