The Totarians have invaded our land and illegally occupied our settlements in our northern borders. The Totarian King answered with idleness and cowardice. This Crusade is not going to be like it's predecessor, We will burn all of their settlements to the ground and kill all of the pagans down to the babe on it's mother's teats. Those who do not convert will perish. Blessed be those who join our righteous cause, they shall always be in the One God's favor.
I who has the blood of the Old Asrians hereby declare a BLOOD CRUSADE !
In the sight of one we rule all
Asran DeadKing, King of the Asrians,Hirodani,Etonians,and the Totarians
score: 0Jeuhimen | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Strondmark | contested |
Jiseton | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | contested |
Mosly | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Strondmark | never attacked |
Levigen | Sarus of the Wittiling | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Sigibyr | Ryst Vibak | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Eyvindrsbjǫð | Sarus of the Wittiling | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Thutalan | Sarus of the Wittiling | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Kjerroft | Sarus of the Wittiling | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Rotraemoges | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | contested |
Setdayssa | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Strondmark | contested |
Kaemerny | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Strondmark | contested |
Rattiley | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | contested |
Laipeton | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Kleykiriya | contested |
Upalion | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Kleykiriya | contested |
Laenerow | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Strondmark | contested |
Teleria | Svanr d'Kleykiriya | Tor Strondmark | contested |