Archonian Dominate is a sovereign realm.
Realms that are a part of Archonian Dominate:The Princeps of the Archonian Dominate presides the council of Archons, stewards of the realm in the absence of the Emperors.
The Tribune is the magistrate in charge of organizing the legislative efforts in the Comitia Tributa, maintaining records of its discussions and decisions, and presiding it.
The Archons gather in council, forming the Senate, as stewards of the missing Emperors' dominate.
The Legati are the generals of the armies, usually appointed in times of war to lead the forces of the Dominate against foreign threats.
The Consul is in charge of maintaining order within the Archonian Dominate. He supervises the military efforts, including the local militia within each estate and the mobile armies of the realm.
The Praefectura Morum, or prefect of the morals, presides over judicial matters within the Dominate, as well as maintains population census and public order. The holder mediates disputes between nobles of the realm and sees that proper honorable customs are followed.
The Praetor Peregrini are the emissaries and ambassadors of the Archonian Dominate. They speak in the name of the Archonate, and hold imperium over Archonian citizens abroad.
The Quaestor primarily audits the taxes in the Dominate, supervises the financial affairs, and seeks to organize the infrastructure on a realm-level.
Commander of an army, second to a Legatus.
Tasked with executing the will of the Censor, enacting justice with his own hands.
Spiritual leader, representing the will of the Gods and the divine in the Dominate.
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#Archonian Code#
Let this writ of law become a sacred and perennial aegis of the Archonian Dominate. May it serve to battle corruption and inefficiencies of the State as well as be used as guidance for the inhabitants of the Dominate.
##Feudal Hierarchy##
The hierarchy of the Dominate's lands explains the proper social status of all its denizens. The hierarchy is explained from the top to the bottom.
The rulers of the Land are the Most Venerable Archons, who rule from their respective Archonates (Duchies). They retain the semi-independent rights of their Archonates to rule as they see fit, so long as their rights do not interfere with Dominate law. The Archons are chosen to lead and inspire their people. An Archon can become anyone with sovereignty over at least five (5) settlements, villages and holdings, and the votes of majority from their peers. Due to the natural need for balance and order within the Dominate all Archonates are limited to a maximum number of twelve (12) settlements, which, if surpassed, are to be rectified by either the pen or the sword.
Patricians are upper class of First Ones in service to the realm. They rule the lands and are considered to be Lords who have pledged their fealties to the Archons. Lower class of Firts Ones are Eques. They are unlanded First Ones who serve the realm without being tied to any certain piece of land, although their oaths bind them to either the Archons or the Patricians.
The mortals are divided into several groups of which neither have any rights before the eyes of the realm. Citizens are ranked highest among this class. They are usually wealthy merchants or proven commanders. Below them are the peasants. They are working the fields and mines. Last are the slaves, thralls and serfs. Their lives are meaningless.
##State Hierarchy##
The Offices of the State define the structure and realm positions.
###Comitia Tributa###
The ruling council of the realm is Comitia Tributa. It is composed of the Archons who preside it and have the right of vote. Everyone can participate in the halls of Comitia Tributa, although the permission to cast votes is the exclusie privilege of the Archons unless differently mandated by law. All realm members should make their voice heard in the Comitia Tributa. The Archons will then consider the opinion of the populace and vote. Comitia Tributa has the power to elect and remove the Magistrates. A majority vote can block any action taken by a magistrate.
There are two types of voting. First one is by holding votes towards a single candidate, and the second one is an agreement on certain topic needs to be reached. The second type is voted on manually, without the need to have the priests trigger the elections. The voting comitee then needs to publicly testify in the halls of the Comitia Tributa positively or negatively, depending on their support or lack of it to the subject of the voting. The Tribune is charged by finding a suitable method
The voting process takes 4 days. The voters are invited to vote by either a support or lack of support for any matter that is put up to a vote, but are also allowed to abstain from unveiling their opinion. The voters are allowed to abstain as many times as they want, but they are forbidden to abstain twice in a row
The subjects in the Comitia Tributa are kept orderly. Thus, the participants are discouraged to simultaneously discuss separate matters during the voting process
###The Magistrates###
Each magistrate has executive power in their field. Approximately seen as Consul over military, Tribunus over laws and voting, Censor over justice, Quaestor over taxation, Praetor over diplomats, Pontifex over spiritual domain. The Magistrates must make their intentions clear to the Comitia Tributa and must give time for the Archons to respond to their intentions.
Princeps - A Steward of the empty throne, the Princeps is the first among peers. His duties are to help with his wisdom and guidance to the Magistrates and to the Archons.
Tribune - The Tribune is the magistrate in charge of organizing the legislative efforts in the Comitia Tributa, maintaining records of its discussions and decisions, and presiding it.
Quaestor – A magistrate that primarily audits the taxes in the Dominate, supervises the financial affairs, and seeks to organize the infrastructure on a realm-level.
Consul – A Magistrate in charge of maintaining order within the Archonian Dominate. He supervises the military efforts, including the local militia within each estate and the mobile armies of the realm.
Praetor - Praetor Peregrini are the emissaries and ambassadors of the Archonian Dominate. They speak in the name of the Archonate, and hold imperium over Archonian citizens abroad.
Censor - The Praefectura Morum, or prefect of the morals, presides over judicial matters within the Dominate, as well as maintains population census and public order. The holder mediates disputes between nobles of the realm and sees that proper honorable customs are followed.
Pontifex – his oversees the spiritual domain of the realm's believers.
###The Officials###
Officials are servants of the Magistrates. Each of them are under the authority of the respectable Magistrate.
Legatus – under the charge of the Consul the Legati are assigned to lead a Legion.
Centurion - Centuriones assist the Legati.
Vigilarius – the historians of the realm, they collect and oversee the vast lore and history of the realm and ensure it will be passed onto next generations. The Vigilarii are under the authority of the Tribune, and can assist him in running the Comitia Tributa.
Executioner – an uneasy task of executing those that have been sentenced to die. He is chosen by the Censor.
###Hierarchy Overview###
Lords - Archons, Patricians
Magistrates - Princeps, Tribunus, Consul, Censor, Quaestor, Praetor, Pontifex
Officials - Vigilarius, Executioner, Legatus, Centurion
##Laws of the Dominate##
By the law of the realm the votes triggered in the Comitia Tributa are exclusive rights of the Archons. Depending on what decision needs to be voted upon, the Tribune can call others to vote, such as Magistrates or even the First Ones as a whole.
Archonian Tenure – the tenure of the Archons is undisputable for as long as they are vigilant in conducting their duies. Their primary duties are the obligation to vote on the elections started by the Tribunus, but if they fail to cast a vote thrice in a row on any of the elections started by the Tribunus, then their tenures are forfeit.
Vote of No Confidence – this right is reserved for dire situations when an incumbant is failing in his duties. A vote for no confidence for an Archon can be demanded by three or more of his peers the Archons. The same rules apply to a Magistrate if he fails to uphold his duties.
Passage Rights – the lands of the Archons are to allow free passage to all members of the realm, unless they are exiles or criminals. Passage rights of foreigners are the rights of each of the Archons. They can or can not be allowed to pass.
Archonian Pardon – the Archonian Pardon is a law that allows for prisoners of the realm to live. By nature, every prisoner is in a dungeon for a reason as it is assumed he is guilty, and therefore needs to die. The Pardon is the voting right of only the Archons who can then spare his life in an objective voting. Before the voting is started, the Censor is charged to recount the reasons why the pardon should be given.
Multiple Positions – allowed individuals that can hold multiple positions are those that are ranked below the station of an Archon and a Magistrate. An Archon can only hold one State title, as well as the Magistrate. All others are free to conduct as many as they wish.
Cura Dominate - For the establishment of powerful military centres and for the balancing of resources across the realm, 50 food is requested from each estate of the realm. This can be considered as a request from each Archonate: Westermark 300, Cumbrael 350, Var Daruhl 400, Frozenshore 250, Lions Reach 350, Pelegon 400, Thannath 300, Twilight Vale 400, Gens Fortunae 300, Gens Sunderheim 300, Gens Doarhus 250, Gens Forti 400, Gens Lupi 400.
Archons with surpluses of metal or wood should approach the Quaestor in private to discuss substituting these resources for all or part of the food tribute. Preference for trade arrangements will go to Archonates with less population (as they are detrimented by less natural food production).
Cura Annonae - 800 food will be returned to each of four Castella (the Military Centres). Ideally one will be selected to support each Legion. Thus one in Thannath, Twilight Vale, Sarantium or Gens Fortunae. One in Gens Forti, Gens Lupi, Gens Sunderheim or Gens Doarhus. One in Pelegon, Lions Reach or Frozen Shore. And one in Westermark, Cumbrael or Var Daruhl. Archons are expected to publicly nominate an estate if they wish to take on the responsibility of hosting a military centre. Remaining food and resources will be supplied to those in need - this will be arranged once surplus is determined. Assessment of wealth and goods shall be made at this point also.
Cura Militar - Military centres receiving considerable food and metal from the realm as a whole will be expected to repay the senate with 1/4 of the warriors trained there. Soldiers will be collected by representatives of the Comitia Tributa and will be distributed to the other Archonates supplying the military centre.