Totaria formally declares war on the middle section of Lowlands in name of expanding the domain of the Totarian Kingdom. If conflict is to be avoided, surrender and the Cotar family can purchase each settlement for a sum of gold and soldiers. This war was brought forth only out of a desire for land, and the fact that lowlands has a lot of former Totarian lands within its own borders.
score: 0Hunter’s Hold | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Samnodri | Huctia of the Talornidr | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Scoreli | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Siggarp | Huctia of the Talornidr | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Efahar | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Themovis | Sarus of the Wittiling | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Harusana | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Ausgeir | Huctia of the Talornidr | Ardaling Tribes | never attacked |
Ticagris | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | contested |
Vaiculey | Retemer the Easterner | Ardaling Tribes | contested |