Turindië is a sovereign realm.
Realms that are a part of Turindië: Inactive realms that are a part of Turindië:First Sword is an overlord of Turindië armies, also called Calmacil in high vedan. It is a position of great renown among Turindians, being entrusted with conducting realm's general strategy in field of military. Title is held for lifetime, but is not inherited.
Queen is a supreme ruler over the lands of Turindië. Title is held for lifetime and is inherited.
Warrior-Poet is kingdom's historian, sometimes called Mehtarmaitar in high vedan. Warrior-Poet is also a guardian, pledged with defending the unity of the spirit within the Kingdom. Title is held for lifetime, but is not inherited.
Eldoria | Friend | - | |
Valkyria | War | - |
Turindië Eneluinendi Atta or kingdom between waters is dominion of a group of First Ones, calling themselves Turindiëldrim. The realm was forged in dying days of Sarantian Empire downfall by some of its many nations. They first settled in the valley of Kendale River under dim shadows of Appalas, advancing towards mountains surrounding Vedahorn river, marking its southern border. In lands between the two rivers, they formed great houses to lead their people through hardships of ever-changing South.