Read a Journal Entry

Journals are player created messages about things in game. Most of the time these can be considered to be known things, as somethig your character heard via rumor, though they can also be flagged as out of character information that is really only meant for your enjoyment as a player rather than for use by your characters (unless they happen to know of it some other way.)

Royal Announcement By Commander Bryce Of Caorran

Written by Bryce Bardach-Quelius on 42-22-6 (July 22, 2024 17:14)

It is with a heavy heart that I pen these words. My grandfather, King Aodhàn the Unbound, and my mother, Countess Aileen Bardach-Quelius, met tragic ends following their defeat in battle and subsequent imprisonment by Hussarian forces. Their executions mark a somber chapter in the history of Caorran, one that will be remembered with sorrow and reflection. Yet, in the midst of our grief, we must also look to the future. My uncle, Crown Prince Eoghan, now ascends to the throne as King Eoghan II.

In a solemn ceremony, I had the honor of crowning my uncle, passing the crown to him as a symbol of our resilience and hope for the future. With King Eoghan II's leadership, we shall strive to honor my grandfather's and my mother's legacy and restore the glory of Caorran. Our path ahead is fraught with challenges, but united, we shall prevail. May the spirits of King Aodhàn I and my mother guide us, and may the new King lead us to a brighter tomorrow.

The King is dead. Long live the King.

Count Bryce of the Iron Reach, Commander of the Royal Army of Caorran

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