The Imperial-Ardaling War

Speech by Apotheon Asran "The Light-Bearer"

Citizens of the Imperium Asraniae, ardent scions of The Solisian Church, and to the far reaches of the world who lend their ears, hear my words and understand the truth of our cause.

The peaceful town of Maximara, a beacon of our shared prosperity and a testament to the glory of our civilization, has been vilely attacked. The blood of our kin stains the ground, their cries for justice echoing through the halls of our sacred cathedrals. This heinous act, this cowardly strike, was carried out by the barbarous Ardaling Tribes, who dwell in the darkness of ignorance and savagery.

We have long been patient, extending the olive branch of peace and the torch of enlightenment to those who live beyond our borders. Yet, time and again, the Ardalings have spurned our benevolence, choosing instead the path of violence and destruction. Their attack on Maximara is not merely an assault on our people; it is an affront to the very essence of order and civilization.

In the face of such treachery, we are compelled to act. Not out of a desire for conquest, but in defense of our sacred way of life. Our aim is not to dominate, but to protect, to shield our people from further harm and to bring the light of The Solisian Church to those who dwell in shadow. It is our divine duty to civilize the Ardaling Tribes, to lift them from their barbarity and introduce them to the peace and prosperity that we have cultivated under the guidance of our sacred light.

This war, then, is not one of aggression, but of defense—a defense of our values, our faith, and our people. It is a righteous endeavor, sanctioned by the heavens and driven by the noble spirit of our ancestors. We do not seek to eradicate, but to enlighten. We do not march to subjugate, but to liberate.

To the realms of the world who watch with bated breath, know this: The Imperium Asraniae stands as a bastion of civilization and a harbinger of peace. We take up arms not for the glory of battle, but for the promise of a future where all may bask in the light of The Solisian Church. We call upon you to recognize the just nature of our cause, to see the truth that we, as bearers of the divine light, seek only to defend and to uplift.

Let the flames of Maximara be a beacon, illuminating the path to a brighter, more just world. Together, we shall bring the light to every dark corner, ensuring that the sacrifices of our fallen are not in vain. Stand with us, people of Asraniae, and let our united strength pave the way to a future where darkness and barbarism are but distant memories.

In the name of the Imperium Asraniae and the eternal light of The Solisian Church, we march forward, resolute and unwavering. For civilization. For justice. For the light.

Apotheon Asran "The Light-Bearer"

score: 0
Primary Attacker:
Imperium Asraniae
Other Attackers:
Hunter’s Hold Retemer the Easterner Ardaling Tribes contested
Harusana Retemer the Easterner Ardaling Tribes contested
Efahar Retemer the Easterner Ardaling Tribes contested

The war has been declared.