Restoration of the House of Honour

Through great twists of fate we find ourselves embroiled in the conflict between the Erstes Imperium and its subordinate realm of the House of Order. After deliberation we have sided with the intent of the House of Honour and will assist it in reestablishing its holdings within the Imperium.

score: 50
Primary Attacker:
Crossing Elewen Lomarac Iretchet never attacked
Dilaemold Varchilde Primis Esotericus Erstes Imperium never attacked
Hasanji Elewen Lomarac Iretchet never attacked
Hokkaido Decima Spei Perditas Erstes Imperium never attacked
Legaro Elewen Lomarac Iretchet never attacked
Goldilion Elewen Lomarac Iretchet occupied

Attack on Goldilion started.
The war has been declared.