Historia Del Dominio

Desapareció en la historia con ningún miembro restante.
Regencia disputada después de la muerte de Rachael Karr, quien dejó ningún heredero.
Rachael Karr ha muerto y así salió de la oficina de Ebonguard.
Regencia disputada después de la muerte de Rachael Karr, quien dejó ningún heredero.
Regencia disputada después de la muerte de Rachael Karr, quien dejó ningún heredero.
Rachael Karr fue elegido como soberano.
Gylber Farwynd ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Ebonguard.
Regencia disputada después de la muerte de Lysandra Gault-Moore, Varang'yr Matriach, quien dejó ningún heredero.
Magnus Decimus Aurelius Gault, Ordos Quaestionarius ha abdicado y entregó el control del dominio a Lysandra Gault-Moore, Varang'yr Matriach.
Lysandra Gault-Moore, Varang'yr Matriach ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Martyrs of Vanguard.
Lysandra Gault-Moore, Varang'yr Matriach ha abdicado y entregó el control del dominio a Magnus Decimus Aurelius Gault, Ordos Quaestionarius.
Ar'lix Tarzath ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Ebonguard.
Kadim Vikorn ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Ebonguard.
Declared war "Exploratory Conflict in Armokian Defense".
Raphael Bakunin de Aragones ha caído al tizón de sueño y así salió de la oficina de Ebonguard.
Fundada por Lysandra Gault-Moore, Varang'yr Matriach como un subdominio de Black Order of Arrakesh con la regencia concedida a Lysandra Gault-Moore, Varang'yr Matriach.

The Black Order of the Western Reach

Black Order of the Western Reach
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idioma oficial

Black Order of the Western Reach es parte de Black Order of Arrakesh y ambos son partes de The Asrian Principality of Arrakon.

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Detalles Del Dominio

0 hectares

Posiciones Del Dominio

Marqués / Marquesa

This is the rulership position for the realm.

  • nadie


The Ebonguard is comprised of loyal souls who have sworn fealty unto the Black Order, yet have elected nor to - or been denied - entry into the Martyrs of Vanguard. They are the Order's warrior caste, charged with ensuring the safety of Chapterhouses, Contributor / Partner nations, and provide the majority of the Order's military might.

  • nadie

Martyrs of Vanguard

The Vanguard - clad in midnight 'mail adorned with the angular runic enchantments and Spiraling Wyvern amulet of the ancient Auru'in Aarkhonians - are the Black Order's elite fighting force: drawn from the mightiest warriors the world has ever known. Forged in the amalgam of inert Voidblight essence and ancient magicks - from a time when Gods yet walked the earth - the demi-godlike Vanguard have honed skills and senses long thought lost to the archaic ancients and their pagan rituals. Mystery shrouds their creation and purpose, such closely-guarded secrets known only to the highest ranks of the Black Order. Mortals bow, avert their eyes, and cower in their presence: overcome by fear, admiration, curiosity, and the knowledge that a single gauntleted fist can shatter a grown man's skull. Loathing haunts their every step as death reigns in the wake of the Vanguard Martyrs - their lives forfeit from the very start. Occasionally, relics of ancient Vanguard are discovered in dungeons, wilderness, caverns, and ruins. A single Vanguard gauntlet is a rumored sign that a Black Order outpost or secret cache lies somewhere nearby. Incredible wealth and power stands to be gained by those who assist the Order in their discovery! Wielding a Vanguard relic imbues its host with the very same magicks that spawned its creator - gradually and irrevocably transforming the wielder into a Vanguard of the Black Order. If they do not hurry to a Black Order Chapterhouse, unchecked evolution shall quickly grow unbearable - as mortal shell and fragile minds collapse beneath the weight of power meant for a God. Only the blessing and orientation of the Black Order ensures newborn Vanguard learn to control the incredible abilities granted by the alien hybridization of Man and Void.

  • nadie

Ordos Maleficus

The Ordos Maleficus (Order of Magi) is the arcane branch of the Black Order: led by the Aruspex-Imperatori. (Prophet-Commander) The Ordos Maleficus is charged with overseeing the rituals, wards, and enchantments required by the Order's campaign against evil. Among its ranks are the alchemists, enchanters, sorcerers, healers, and seers of the Black Order. ((If anyone is interested in joining the Ordos, I'll make specific titles for each sub-type later, just putting this here so I don't forget the name I gave the magical order and its leader.))

  • nadie

Relaciones Diplomáticas A Otros Dominios

Realm Description

(Please refer to the mother realm, Black Order of Arrakesh, for proper description. No use copy-pasting!)

Led by Matriarch Lysandra Gault-Moore - Vanguard Valk'yr of the Black Order of the Western Reach - she seeks to establish a fresh bulwark against the spread of the Void, the Curse of the Isles, and all agents of the Chaos of Tymetras. Tyrants shall bow or be crushed, and all forces of evil annihilated in their wake. There is no room for mercy when the survival of Mankind is at stake - only justice and death shall reign in their wake.

"The Vanguard - clad in midnight 'mail adorned with the angular runic enchantments and Spiraling Wyvern amulet of the ancient Auru'in Aarkhonians - are the Black Order's elite fighting force: drawn from the mightiest warriors the world has ever known. Forged in the amalgam of inert Voidblight essence and ancient magicks - from a time when Gods yet walked the earth - the demi-godlike Vanguard have honed skills and senses long thought lost to the archaic ancients and their pagan rituals. Mystery shrouds their creation and purpose, such closely-guarded secrets known only to the highest ranks of the Black Order. Mortals bow, avert their eyes, and cower in their presence: overcome by fear, admiration, curiosity, and the knowledge that a single gauntleted fist can shatter a grown man's skull. Loathing haunts their every step as death reigns in the wake of the Vanguard Martyrs - their lives forfeit from the very start. Occasionally, relics of ancient Vanguard are discovered in dungeons, wilderness, caverns, and ruins. A single Vanguard gauntlet is a rumored sign that a Black Order outpost or secret cache lies somewhere nearby. Incredible wealth and power stands to be gained by those who assist the Order in their discovery! Wielding a Vanguard relic imbues its host with the very same magicks that spawned its creator - gradually and irrevocably transforming the wielder into a Vanguard of the Black Order. If they do not hurry to a Black Order Chapterhouse, unchecked evolution shall quickly grow unbearable - as mortal shell and fragile minds collapse beneath the weight of power meant for a God. Only the blessing and orientation of the Black Order ensures newborn Vanguard learn to control the incredible abilities granted by the alien hybridization of Man and Void."