Ordo Castratorius es parte de Rathgar.
The High Master is the ruler of the order. He is elected through a vote in which every member of the order participates.
The brethren of the order must all be cut and sworn to never fall into the temptation of lust. They have forfeited secular honors, titles or inheritances, family name, earthly possessions and personal desires.
The members of this religious order have sworn never again to sin through lust. They go to far lengths in order to avoid such thing from happening.
Their creed is one of pure devotion to the Gods (dark entities one must not cross), repentance from mankind's sins and condemnation of any secular taxation.
War and pillage are seen as positive and necessary, but vassalization and involuntary tributes are seen as grave sins. A First One enslaving another First One is as morally reprehensible as the notion of mortals commanding mortals, constituting their own kingdoms. Only the Gods may tribute and command the First Ones, in the same way that only the First Ones may tribute and command the mortals. Thus, realms that are not voluntary tribal associations engaged in free trade are seen as impious and an affront against the Gods.
These corrupted realms are seen as constituted by castrated vassals, and arrogant rulers who attempt to usurp the rightful place of the Gods. The Ordo Castratorius shares the message that the only acceptable castration, symbolic or not, is the one performed in submission to the Gods.