News quickly spread from the Ardaling Tribes, across Rathgar proper and other Rathgari states that Óþyrmir had fallen in a last stand at Hunter’s Hold. The Ardalings speak of Óþyrmir as a hero, and the Asirians as deceitful invaders, causing a shift of opinions in Rathgar. With the news, the 'Song of Óþyrmir' spreads further into Rathgar.
Upon the walls of Hunter's Hold,
Upon the walls of Hunter's Hold,
Óþyrmir stood so bold,
Pick up sword and shield,
Pick up sword and shield,
It is to battle that we go,
Fought invaders upon the walls,
Fought invaders upon the walls,
To defend our halls,
Pick up sword and shield,
Pick up sword and shield,
It is to battle that we go,
To die in this fight,
To die in this fight,
Against this blight,
Pick up sword and shield,
Pick up sword and shield,
It is to battle that we go,
Honour to Óþyrmir's fall,
Honour to Óþyrmir's fall,
And curse Asrinians all,
Pick up sword and shield,
Pick up sword and shield,
It is to battle that we go,