White Company is a part of Fading Isles.
The Grand Captain is the second in command in the White Company and wil take over command during absence of the Commander, for whatever reasons. Should the commander die in battle, the Grand Captain becomes the new Commander untill a new Commander is elected.
The Count of the lands the White Company holds is the commander of the White Company.
A Captain of the White Company is a single troop leader who serves under the Commander.
The Steward of the White Company is the person who governs their lands while they are on campaigns.
The Commander of the White Company is the man who leads its forces into battle, aswell as outside of battle. He is the man who is to be contacted for hiring the services of the Company.
The White Company is a small group of mercenaries based on the Island of Hawks on the Fading Isles. They hire themselves and their troops in return for payment in resources and have a decent integrety and loyalty.
We do not bear any hostility past contractual one against those whom we fight against, and do not wish to involve us in political matters between the contractor and the contractual enemy. We are but a weapon in our contractor's hands.