Realm History

A new law on Mininum Days Required in Realm to Vote has been put in place.
A new law on Realm Membership for Places has been put in place.
A new law on Grant Claims Against Slumbering Settlements has been put in place.
A new law on Place Inheritance has been put in place.
A new law on Settlement Inheritance has been put in place.
A new law on Realm Access to Slumbering Estates has been put in place.
Rulership passed to Albertiano Rochalva upon the slumbering of Kolfinna Kolfiniya
Founded by Finnvarðr Fariya as a subrealm of Rathgarian Confederation with rulership granted to Kolfinna Kolfiniya.

County Palatine of Beluna

Official Language
Lurian and Belunese
Official Faith

Beluna is a part of Nova Lúria.

Realms that are a part of Beluna: Inactive realms that are a part of Beluna:

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Realm Details

28 square leagues

Realm Positions


The Belunese Infante is the Heir Apparent, a title that designates the individual with an undisputed right to inherit the rulership of the County.

Type of Position: Family
Count Palatine / Countess Palatine

The Count Palatine rules over the Palatinate of Beluna, largely enjoying a high degree of autonomy.

This is the ruler position for the realm.

The title of Cardinal of Beluna is one of great reverence and responsibility within the Ecclesia. It is a prestigious position that commands the highest levels of respect and admiration among the faithful.

The Cardinal is entrusted with the sacred duty of overseeing the religious affairs of their realm, ensuring that the Faith is practiced in accordance with the doctrines and teachings of the The Solisian Church.

Type of Position: Advisory

Diplomatic Relations To Other Realms

Erstes Imperium Ally Ally
Caorran Friend Friend

Realm Description

Beluna, a charming County with beautiful landscapes and a rich history, endured generations under the rule of the Emperor of Hawks. The Belunese people were compelled to provide resources such as iron and levies to fuel the Empire's relentless expansion.

Under this oppressive regime, they toiled as thralls in the mines and as soldiers in the Emperor's conquests, their sweat and blood laying the foundation for the Empire's rise. Despite its dominance since the 1st year after the Cataclysm, the Empire's downfall was inevitable. As the Empire slipped into slumber by the 37th year, neighboring domains and far-flung raiders seized the opportunity to strike.

On 38-4-1, Luria emerged as one of the Empire's successor states, alongside Turindië and Valkyria. The Belunese people and migrant raiders began to reclaim their lands and destiny. It was in this turbulent period that Kolfinna Kolfiniya of the Rathgarian Confederation led her forces to Beluna, reclaiming much of the region and securing recognition from the Confederation as its ruler on 38-7-5.

Despite Kolfinna's victories, doubts lingered among the Belunese regarding her legitimacy as an outsider. To address these concerns, she defied the Confederation and wed a local Belunese lord, Albertiano Rochalva, who assumed the rulership of Beluna in her stead. As the new Count, on 39-56-6, Albertiano declared Beluna's independence from the Confederation, restoring local governance.

The Count, with the understanding that his people would benefit from being part of a broader community, aligned itself with the Successor Kingdom of Luria, forsaking his wife's barbaric heritage and swearing fealty to the Duchy of Pian-en-Luria. Under the protection of King Enacio Leal Seriaro, who sought to unify the Lurian peoples and confront external threats together, Beluna became a part of the Lurian Kingdom. However, despite the King's best intentions, this vision faltered in execution. The cultural and political diversity of the subrealms proved too vast to reconcile under a singular Lurian ethos. Local traditions and identities persisted, often in quiet defiance of the King's unification efforts, leaving Beluna and its peers culturally distinct rather than united.

Though King Enacio's policies brought stability and security to the County, the dream of a cohesive Lurian identity remained unrealized. Instead, Beluna retained its unique Belunese character while benefiting from its place within the larger Lurian framework. The County continued to flourish, with its peaceful coastlines, productive iron mines in the Redgorge Mountains, and close-knit, hospitable people.

With the slumbering of King Enacio, Beluna transitioned into a subrealm directly under the Kingdom of Nova Lúria on 43-27-6. This new chapter ushered in profound cultural and spiritual transformations, as the Belunese fully embraced the teachings of The Solisian Church. Additionally, one of Count Albertiano's distant cousins was chosen by Helia I, Solar Ecclesiarch of the Church and regent of New Luria at the time, to serve as the first ruler of the newly restructured Kingdom, crowned as Dom Afonso Miguel, O Fundador on 44-2-5.

Under the guidance of The Ecclesia and the protection of the new King, whose familial ties provided stability, the county's identity was reshaped to align more closely with the Solisian faith. This shift not only reinforced its spiritual connection to Aeternum Solis but also led to the appointment of Beluna's own Cardinal, Pedro Odilo de Fanilho, further solidifying its place within the broader religious and political landscape of Solisdom.